PPP Audio




‘The Inbetweeners movie trailer’


What themes emerge from the narrative?

The Inbetweeners is a linear story base, about some boys on holiday.

Who are the target audience?

The target audience is most likely to be interested in watching your movie, often defined by factors like age, gender, and interests.

How are males represented?

On of the boy is arrogant and the others are represented like girls make fun of them and see them as more stupid.

How are females represented?

The females are represented to be cooler and fun.

What is the ideology?

it’s the great mix of characters which makes this worth your time in watching

Is the ideology misogynistic?



How has representation of females in advertisements changed since the 1950’s?

Many women transitioned to a role as a homemaker, a person who manages and takes care of a home




What are the similarities and differences:

In how the genders represented?

The woman is represented to be funny as she dances and sings.

The man is represented confused but also surprised by the woman who dances and sings, and he smiles.

In the ideology?

The ideology is that the man thinks it's funny.




Mad men.


How are the men represented?

The men are represented perverts.

Describe the roles of men compared to the roles of women.

 girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. Men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold.


Your opinion on how men and women are represented in TV, Film, Music, and Audio today?

In my opinion, men are represented and considered to be stronger than women and to work in the office, but women are considered to be weak and not have any power over men.


What do we mean by the term ‘representation’? Answer specifically to media products.

It is the way aspects of society, such as gender, age, or ethnicity, are presented to audiences.


What is the difference between Race and Ethnicity?

Race refers to the concept of dividing people into groups based on various sets of physical characteristics. Ethnicity describes the culture of people in a given geographic region, including their language and religion.

What role does the media play in constructing ideas about race and ethnicity?

The media plays a significant role in shaping ideas about race and ethnicity. Through its portrayal of different racial and ethnic groups, the media can influence public perceptions, reinforce stereotypes, or challenge them. It has the power to shape narratives, promote representation, and contribute to social change.


Do you think certain ethnic groups or races are portrayed as being more powerful than others?

Yeah, sometimes certain ethnic groups or races are portrayed as more powerful than others in the media.


What is stereotyping? Can you think of positive and negative stereotypes?

Stereotyping is when people make assumptions or generalizations about a group of people based on their race, ethnicity, or other characteristics. It's like putting people into boxes without considering their individuality.

Positive stereotypes are often seen as complementary and can include assumptions like "Asians are good at maths" or "Africans are talented in sports.

Negative stereotypes, on the other hand, can be harmful and demeaning, such as "Muslims are terrorists" or "Black people are dangerous."


4 radio ads

What is the advert for?

This is for the MARS chocolate bar.






What is the main message of the advert?


The main message is that they created this advertisement to convey the message that 'you are not you when you are hungry'.





What different types of audio clips (Sound effects, music etc)  have been used and why?



some horror audio was used, it's like playing the guitar but with only one creepy note.





Are different voices used in the ad and why?


3 voices are used, two male and one female, I think they were used to make the advert more interesting, they speak more frighteningly, and one at a time.








Who do you think the target audience is for this advertisement?


For everyone.






Why would it appeal to the audience?


I don't think it's liked by the audience because it's a bit horror.





What do you think about the advertisement?


I think it's creepy and it would interest some people, but it wouldn't be so successful.







Could it be improved? If so, how?


Yes, it could be improved to add another audio.




Foley sounds and soundtrack


Foley sounds are the sounds that are added to a film or TV show during post-production. They are used to create realistic sound effects. Foley artists use various objects and materials to create these sounds, like footsteps, door creaks, or even the rustling of clothing.

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Effect needed: AT-AT walkers

Actual sound: Machine punch

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Effect needed: Liquid metal morphing

Actual sound: Furniture cleaner

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Effect needed: Bullets hitting T-1000

Actual sound: Empty glass and yogurt

Men In Black (1997)

Effect needed: Dragonflies

Actual sound: Handheld fan


This is what I did on Adobe Audition by putting audio of what a riot in London would sound like.
I added 4 audio, combined them together, and modified them as I wanted, each audio to be heard clearly. For some audios, I gave fade in and fade out so that it wouldn't block the other audios, and that it could be heard over them. I like how it turned out and that I learned new skills, I liked the part when I edited the audio.
After I finished I exported it on Premiere Pro and added an image to represent the sound.

Audition practice

For this, I used the same thing Adobe Audition and this was just practical.
It seemed quite easy when I did this practice, but there are many complicated things and I will learn them in the future. I saw that there are many ways to edit sounds. I decided to make a more horror sound with those audio, and after I finished I exported it on Premiere Pro and added a horror image.

Radio Advert

Target Audience: My perfume is for everyone, some want to wear it, and others want to give it as a gift.

Aim: I want them to buy my product, and make it popular everywhere.

Ideas: The first idea would be to give it as a gift for Valentine's Day and with a male voice: Valentine's Day is coming, do you want to impress your girlfriend and make her happy?

The second idea is a woman's voice presenting the product: Now on sale the best Perfume Sweet Whispers, the perfect gift for birthdays and any other occasions.

The third idea will be a female voice: Easter is coming and you don't know what to get your mother? The chocolate-flavored perfume is now in stock: and at the end, there will be a male voice saying: take advantage of the special offer buy one and get one free on our online site www.bestperfume.com, and in all available magazines.

Radio Advert Script 

Audio Practice


Radio Advert Evaluation

This is my final radio advert. To create this radio advert, I used a recorder and a microphone. First, I planned the script to be easier for me. For the music, I used 3 audio, I downloaded them from free sounds so that they are not copyrighted. I recorded the voices of my people, a woman, and a man, the man is at the end to give a better effect, I also used sound effects, I created my own sound effects, using my perfume and this includes foley sound. To make it better, I edited it on Adobe Audition, put the sounds there, and edited them adding the music.
After I finished editing, I exported on Adobe Premiere Pro and put a picture of my work. I also saved there and uploaded everything to the blog.

My favorite part was when I recorded my sound effects and edited everything. For the first attempt, I really like how it turned out. If I were to do this again in the future, I would put only one music because you can tell when it goes from one song to another and you can hear how they are changed, and it's not that good. And maybe I would make a smaller script to make the audio shorter.

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